Greetings to the graduating class of 2024!
UDCNAS is excited to offer you a special opportunity: enjoy your first year of membership (July 1 - June 30) absolutely FREE!
Your service to Firebird Nation is needed to ensure we have the capacity to support UDC leadership, the Unversity's mission, and our incredible alum and students.
Please consider volunteering on a UDCNAS Standing Committee.
This committee will serve as the outreach component of the Society. It shall be actively involved in the affairs of the community at large by working collectively with civic associations, businesses, non-profit organizations and governmental entities to address quality of life issues through peer mentoring and asset mapping between the University, its alumni and various organizations.
This Committee will be responsible for planning, promoting, and executing a campaign to raise funds through individual and chapter giving to assist in carrying out the University's mission through scholarships, awards, and donations. It shall report at regular meetings of the Executive Committee and at the Society's BiAnnual Meetings.
Records maintained by the Treasurer (and Financial Secretary) shall be reviewed and certified by this group.
Recommendations for revisions to Society By-laws shall be reviewed and defended or rejected, in writing, by this Committee. This Committee will also keep abreast of pending legislation affecting the University and shall offer appropriate recommendations relative to proposed laws.
In conjunction with the Director of Alumni Relations, responsible for planning, organizing and implementing annual reunion programs and projects.
The Finance and Budget Committee is responsible for developing, monitoring, and reporting on the Society's budget. The Treasurer shall oversee as the chairperson of this Committee.
In conjunction, with the Director of Alumni Relations and the Vice President for Student Affairs or the Dean of Students, plan, coordinate, promote and implement various alumni/student activities.
This Committee will serve as a steering committee working with students and other alumni to establish Society Chapters and other alumni clubs. It will also develop and implement recruitment activities to promote Society growth.
Responsible for publishing, editing and distributing alumni newsletter and other publications. This Committee shall develop and maintain an official Society website containing a link(s) to the official University of the District of Columbia website. The website shall contain, at a minimum, the mission and purpose of the Society, information about its officers, minutes of Board of Director's meetings, and a calendar of University and Society events.
This Committee shall develop criteria for the selection of awardees and establish dates for awarding scholarships. It will disseminate scholarship information and applications to the Society's Chapter. Included in the Scholarship Committee reports shall be the names of scholarship recipients and the names of the persons making the selections.
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